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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  November 25, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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deirdre: thank you very much for joining us for "risk & reward." "money" starts now. melissa: protest turn violent. small business owners caught in the crossfire. we will hear from one business owner who made it through the night unscathed. new line regulations forcing restaurants to pose calorie counts on menus. and it will cost you. the latest snow and sleet for your travel plans been and would you pay to cut the line at the macy's parade? even when they say it is not, it is always about "money." parts of ferguson still smoldering, emotionally followed and night of chaos.
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the full toll of the protest were as many as 25 eldon's were burned following the grand jury decision not to indict officer darren wilson. demonstrators firing more than 100 gunshots clashing with police into the early morning hours. the turmoil not limited to ferguson, also protest from new york to oakland. joining us, charlie gasparino. we also have david asman. look at everything going on, we are at money show, we are about business for the businesses that got destroyed, somebody on our show earlier who said he had been looted the first time and decided to stay open, he got looted again. he is overwhelmed, obviously. >> rudy giuliani pointed out. they had the cooling-off where they allow the protesters to
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throw a couple of bottles, he said if you allow the cooling-off, things heat up. every time that happened he would stop the first time a bottle was thrown he would arrest somebody. >> this should have been done in the regular course. i never a nose and indictment at 9:00 at night. but you do it in the morning. had it been done in the daytime it would have been easier for police to detect what was going on. >> people forget what new york was like in the '70s. many never ventured out to newark where there were riots. some reporting today on housing prices in ferguson. plenty of african-americans, they are seeing the price of their homes dropped dramatically. who wants to set up a business
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if the national guard is not going to protect you. who wants to bring the kids home from school if the police not want to protect your children. one of the great things about rudy giuliani is that he understood the nexus between crying and the economy. one of the things with new york in the '70s was that businesses closed up, housing prices went down because of high crime. melissa: james. >> businesses down over 80%, not sustainable. tax collection harder. charlie's point, the business impact had been massive and will be felt for some time to come. melissa: jonathan gruber tasting some humble pie. he called us all stupid agreeing to face music in washington. he will testify before the house oversight committee coming up december 9. i wonder what they will ask him and what information they are looking for be it this latest
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study that surfaced that he worked on anything 90% of individuals without employer-sponsored insurance to their premiums spike by an average of 41%, so the fact they knew prices ar were going to go, obviously was represented in a different way, will they ask who knew about that? >> i am a gruber fan. i believe he told the truth about obamacare. these were taped events. this is an important cog in the machinery of obamacare who spoke the truth. >> i'm telling you he is putting himself out there. >> he volunteered to do this you will not take the fifth. i think he is desperate.
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making williams of dollars off government contracts, he is losing his contracts in states and he needs to pay the bills, it is that simple. >> play devils advocate, say what he said on those tapes, he will do the country a great service. >> that would put the policy on their fingers. did he say it at the time. >> the public airing of what went on. >> i think you're right, that would put the onus on the politicians, where it belongs. >> he would be doing the public an immense service. melissa: elon musk saying he will step down from ceo, what would that mean for tesla? >> three or four years from now they will need a different ceo to run this company because he is incredibly get it done type
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of guy. for the shareholders stake they will have a ceo more process oriented. he has been retiring to mars in 2010. melissa: he has been over reliant i would say on government subsidies. he has gotten all sorts of things in the space program, i love the guy's entrepreneurial spirit but i wonder if his business model lax subsidies. >> what he is doing is like any maturing company you need someone to your points to run it. eric schmidt become the deputy adults in the cheryl samberg. >> one name an exception to that is steve jobs. >> twitter cfo one straight from the anthony weiner playbook mixing of his tweets and direct
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messages but don't worry, he only thing he is revealing the possible deal tweeting we still should buy them. from december 16, we need to sell him, i have a plan. of course the company that is out there knows who they are at this point in thinking i can't wait for them to sell us on this plan to buy us. >> it is a weiner moment. i don't think he did anything that destroyed his brand. melissa: no, it is embarrassing. the ceo of twitter should know how to use twitter. direct messaging someone and instead he tweeted it shall and everybody how easy it is to accidentally mess up twitter. >> he was the cfo of the nfl.
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>> heavy ever regretted any tweet? melissa: close-up on charlie, go ahead. >> believe it or not i do think a little bit before i send them. >> heavy ever sent a tweet you regretted? >> no. i have sent e-mails i would like to have back. there was once where i was at another publication, i somehow was sending something nasty, screw you, and i hit the two buttons together and it replied to the whole company. people coming back, why are you saying f you to me? melissa: blackberry driving to the old theory if you can't beat them, drive them.
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offer and $550 to trade in your iphone for blackberry passport. there you go, apple clearly shaking in their boots hitting a new all-time high. $550 for an old iphone but you end up with a blackberry passport. i have to tell you i want to see the passport before i won't have it for sure, does sound ridiculous. >> they are now cheapening it. i will use it anyway. now bribe you to use it. >> they will not bribe you because you don't have an iphone. they will only ask apple people who already have an iphone. >> it is how monopoly can really make him play by them lazy. they just got lazy. melissa: it could be clever because a lot of people's went to the iphone because it will be cooler and better so they go back to their iphone.
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-- back to their blackberry. thank you guys. struggling to stay in business, that is all that is left for some stores and ferguson. one owner whose preparation saved him from the same fate. and forcing calorie counts out of hiding, should restaurants have to post calories on the menu? it is shocking. coming what you think on twitter and facebook. i have loved your responses so far, we will use them. more "money" coming up.
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melissa: counting calories just went from a tedious dieting fad to a federal requirement. relations requiring police two places like grocery stores and even amusement parks to post calorie counts for all of their food items. the effort to cut calories comes with a heavy price. the food industry facing price take up to a billion dollars in the first year alone. someone is going to have to pay for that.
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guess what, it is you. a billion dollars, do you think the restaurants are going to just take the cost or tackett onto the menu? >> they will have little or tackett onto the menu. already heard from starbucks ans that even when consumers and customers saw the calories posted they only bought 6% fewer calories in food. starbucks revenue because in new york they post calories, revenue has been about the same. melissa: stanford university say people rarely consume fewer calories good >> the invention called google figure out 90% of foods. promise me interesting about the relations of obamacare. if you cut your hand under obamacare, this is what the hospitals have to put a code
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into get insurance payment, you have to put exactly how you cut the hand. they have so many regulations involving obamacare, the cost have not ended. >> this is never ending. this is just the beginning. >> the soda ban backfired in new york city so that is a lesson. melissa: i posted on the twitter a salad from a local place that looks kind of healthy, 1400 calories, i was surprised by it because it was a salad area did when i see it i make a better choice. the worst thing is the bran muffin. 600 calories.
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melissa>> bad today they find ot tomorrow is good. >> the market will determine whether or not this works. people gravitate toward stores and restaurants with the calories or not. melissa: if they force them, i don't know. >> bureaucrats who want it to control lives. >> are you talking about the mcdonald's salad? melissa: i think it was ihop. you try to make a good decision. chicken. >> if you have let his and grilled chicken and tomatoes and oil and vinegar, that is a low-fat salad. if you put cheese, bacon and all the other garbage on it. >> if you look at the hol hotelu withiwouldn't you think the sals the best thing? if you are at ihop.
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>> you say put lettuce and grilled chicken on. >> we have known that for a long time. >> the soda brand going from soft drink to dairy and it is line of milk. they have 50% more protein and calcium as regular milk but also going to cost you twice as much. can we talk, here are the online ads which are really strange. of a nose was happening there. >> that is the marilyn monroe take. melissa: bottom left is when i tweeted earlier today and folks got really into what that could possibly be. it is a strange campaign for not the cost twice as much. >> laverne and shirley had it tested, right?
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melissa: i don't think you're supposed to mix them together. the milk you buy in a jug, is cost twice as much and we hope your bear.>> i'm curious, what t supposed to indicate? the next campaign that is ambiguous is not a good ad campaign. melissa: 50% more protein, you will pay twice as much. >> if you pay for quality, that is part of what we have champion here. if you want to pay for it, you pay for it. melissa: money is flying around the globe today starting in iran were a supreme leader has stalled negotiations.
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he announced clon colonia europd stalled in the attempt to bring iran to the knees. something that will never be achieved. sounds like able need a bit more than an extra seven months, i would say. they're going to put them in a tower instead of burying folks. over 30 floors high, more than 24,000 people taking it the biggest cemetery tower in the world. are there other cemetery towers elsewhere? who knew. president obama: for peace as chaos breaks out in ferguson. new information surfacing on what is really behind chuck hagel resignation. karl rove will sound off on that one. and a massive snowstorm of these coast threaten the biggest travel days of the year.
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please just get me the turkey on time.
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how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa,
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and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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melissa: almost 50 million people travel for things giving this year but nasty weather is raining and snowing on their parade. janice dean has all the details. my kids who love you say can't janice dean fixed the weather machine? right? >> it might be the title of my new book. don't they love snow though? we will get a few inches of snow in new york city late tomorrow afternoon. melissa: we don't want it
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raining on the parade. >> parade day will be awesome. however, cannot fix what will happen the next 24 hours. see the warm temperatures? that is out of a cold front. it will mean the difference between rain and a mix of snow and rain or all snow. wednesday around 1:00 started to see the snow west of d.c., d.c. maybe one to 2 inches, slushy. new york could get three to 8 inches but a mixture of rain and snow cutting back some totals. boston 3-5, 6 inches. north of the city we will see potential for snow totals tomorrow. if you have to travel tomorrow and you live along the i-95 corridor, try today or thursday, isolated spots to get 12 inches
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plus, wet snow along the coast generally 3-8 inches around new york city area toward boston. not even an inch or two in d.c. philadelphia maybe 4-5, 3-8 new york city. the bottom line, really tomorrow is going to be a disaster along the i-95 corridor. anin the other sections of the country ripple effects because of the airports, you know the deal. melissa: some good news for those hitting the road, gas prices creeping even lower. average $2.81 per gallon, $0.46 less than this time last year according to aaa. the last time prices at the pump with this cheap back in 2009 when the economy was collapsing. another reason to be thing for this year, the economy growing a little more than expected.
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3.9% up from the previous reading of 3.5% helping to push the s&p and nasdaq t two new all-time highs. nicole petallides with more on what is driving the trade. nicole. nicole: all-time highs the s&p s&p 500. take a look at some of the retailers making highs beginning with the parent of t.j. maxx. turns out they met with management, they think there is a multiuser platform looking good for the company and as results of a dollars price target up from $63, positive traffic. that is what jpmorgan says, that is why you see that at a high. sales on a rise, the new jewelry line, atlas collection all doing heart really well for the
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company. they did cut the full-year sales forecast but nobody seems to looking at that. they trimmed it a little bit so far. back to you. melissa: thank you so much. under attack in ferguson. how one business owner hunkered down and kept his story intact. plus reporting from the eye of the storm. we will ask one of our own about this confrontation with protesters. more "money" coming up.
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melissa: breaking news, the city of ferguson will hold a press conference today at 3:00 p.m. eastern followed last night's protest. the mayor will be joined by area community leaders and business owners to address the events resulting from the civil unrest.
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we will keep an eye on that. meanwhile broke windows and charred buildings lined the streets, remnants of the chaos some protesters even turning on the media. look at what happened to fox news. >> excuse us, those watching at home, this is live television. >> what about those who have the mask on like that guy? melissa: thankfully he wasn't hurt, he joins us now from one of the fire damage businesses. glad you're okay and your photographer as well. one thing that strikes me about this is generally when people are protesting, they want to media because they are trying to make a statement by virtue of being out there. so unusual you would get attacked, what was that like? >> i was with a photographer and producer, they pretty much surrounded us and not to the camera to the ground. part of the anger may have been
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a don't want want to be filmed . a pretty hostile atmosphere really from the start, we were surrounded from the get-go those being told i look like darren wilson. lot of anger, windows began to get smashed and the looting started it became more of a celebration. it got worse with gunshots and fires. you can tell now standing in some of the aftermath. about seven cars burned most of the night all down this strip payday loan store burned down, gas station to my right also burned down. people coming out today to take pictures and look at the wreckage from last night. melissa: it is amazing you look at the damage and ask why didn't the business owners and owners and everybody have to pay for what happened, why is that fair. what is the mood like today,
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what are people saying? >> there is a lot of questioning about what happened and from watching people, it really is two different mood isil older middle-age people say the cars had nothing to do with anything. some younger people celebrating it almost as a trophy. melissa: we are glad you are safe, thank you for coming on and sharing what you saw. businesses are surveying the damage this morning, many thankful they boarded up ahead of time. stephen king is one of those. he owns a gun store near ferguson. he joins us now on the phone. you have been on before with us that you are selling three times as many guns, 50 guns per day in advance of this, you boarded up your store, what do you say to the other business owners who didn't and had a lot of damage? >> my heart goes out to those
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business owners in ferguson who lost the entire livelihood in one night, my heart goes out to the people of ferguson living there as hostages of this terroristic activity. as we saw last night, the police are unable to control what is going on with these radical protesters, if you will. it is up to each individual person to have a responsibility to protect themselves and ims so happy many of our customers in this area were able to buy firearms and ammunition and get the training before last night in case they needed it to defend themselves. only thing i can say is you have to prepare yourself with the fires going on in all the protesting going on last night, fire trucks an end .-ellipsis could not make it to a scene if they wanted to. gunfire that just makes it a very unsafe seen for any first responder.
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melissa: does it make you angry to see what has happened to the businesses and the place where you live? we talked about home values dropping, people not able to get loans. this show is about money. does it make you angry all of this has happened? >> this is an embarrassment to our city, to the city of ferguson such a beautiful town and it makes it look like it is a third world nation. there are millions of dollars of damage done to this city that only in the buildings that have burned down, but long-term commerce. their revenue is not going to come to the city and that is exactly what the protesters want to happen. leaders of these groups want a complete economic shutdown of the entire metropolitan st. louis area and this will not be the first step. they will go to every area that
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has commerce and successful businesses and they will destroy those businesses in an effort to get their point across. melissa: are you ever worried you sold a gun to anybody who contributed to the violence? >> i am very confident in the fact was sold so many firearms in the last 15 days to people who had wanted them for defensive purposes. of course there is always that possibility somebody could get a firearm and do problems with this but i'm pretty confident in the fact most of our customers are very good people, very responsible and i don't think they played a part in this at all. melissa: thank you for coming on. i want to get in a few of your many responses last night on ferguson when president obama acknowledged any violence would make for good tv. he said there is inevitably going to be some reaction that makes for good tv.
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he was in a split screen at a time and next to him was a big explosion. it struck me as ironic he was sort of playing down with the tv images might look like but having really no idea what was playing next to him on almost every network so i treated that out, so many of you responded. he said his words are late, he should have called for respect for the law well before the decision. tweeting this is all the confirmation needed for this president ineptitude. on facebook said i said last night while he was talking that this is the new "saturday night live" skit. coming up next, new questions of the attorney of decision to resign while some say he was pushed out. we will get his take on everything from washington to ferguson. and now, tv and the guide to
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install it set up shop with service provider. including my membership. at the end of the day it is all about money.
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melissa: i am melissa francis with your fox business briefs. sony has been hacked and what could be a blackmail attack.
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picture of a skull appeared on computer screens prompting the company and entertainment website threatening the company saying vital information would be leaked if demands were not met. consumers not feeling good about the economy. key confidence index declines to the lowest level since june. economist have fixed this to strengthen. breadbox prices going up 25%. blu-ray rentals will jump to $2 from $1.50 well those getting video games will now have to pay $3. that is latest from the fox business network, giving you the power to prosper. ♪ (holiday music is playing)
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hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa
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♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. melissa>> there is inevitably go be some negative reaction and it will make for good tv. melissa: i'm not so sure he was look at the television when he was calling for peace in ferguson. join now, karl rove, also a fox news contributor be at let me ask you a little bit about last night because it was surreal at home to be watching the president talking about how the media is going to make a big
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deal about whatever went on. images would make good tv but we have to move on. this tone deaf to what was going on next to him. there was fire and explosions in all kinds of violence. what did you make of all that, carl? >> looked, the president needed to speak, the nation wanted to hear from him, he unfortunately had to so in the unfortunate aftermath of the announcement which meant without the split screen. he probably didn't understand what was on the other part of the split screen. the throw away line at the end in response to question the president sounded like he was disconnected following good tv with horrific violence being committed on property, the lives of hundreds of people who own the businesses and worked in the businesses are changed forever. the community dealt a very
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serious blow and the president sounded like he was dismissing it as good tv. melissa: was there a better response? >> he was going to get stuck with that no matter what. should have thought a little bit more carefully about his words because dismiss what they saw as good tv, diminish the threat to the community represented by the violence and how wrong it was. the president did a good job emphasizing people's reaction to the grand jury verdict is they disagree with it, should have been channeled, but it sounded chuck hagel and theft on transition. what do you think is behind that, where does he go from there? >> one of two things behind this. on the one hand it could be in essence they didn't think chuck hagel was up to the job, mismanaged the response to ebola.
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or they could have serious disagreements, pushing the president on isis and expense expenditures, citing more with the military and not with the white house staff. probably accommodation of both. people say these rumors have been underway for quite some time. the administration knew it was dealt a setback, would have to make choices, would have to make changes and the choice was make those changes within the white house or make them within the government and the weak link in the administration they thought was chuck hagel so easier to change him than the chief of staff. better to get him out who never really fit, was always tortured confirmation hearing, and the white house national security apparatus simply hav has never n accepting because they don't tolerate outsiders.
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melissa: thank you so much for coming on. we're heading into our last hour of trading. this check in with liz claman. liz: we have heard at 3:00 p.m. eastern the mayor of ferguson expected to meet with community leaders as many of their locally owned businesses lie in rubble, complete rubble after being looted and destroyed and smashed in, of course with happened last night, the riots. the man who has just returned to three of his businesses, could not even get their last night. we have him. he will have just seen the damage. how do businesses look, and what he says is the most amazing te term, one would have burned to the ground if it were not for another business owner who left his own business and protecting
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his own business to put out a fire. plus the ghost of christmas past. and of course we have to co-market watchers. going to give you his holiday wish list for what he expects to be 2015 on the housing market. your money is at stake. melissa: we look forward to that. failing to report 1700 injuries and deaths to regulators. the automaker blamed this on a computer glitch. honda could face a fine of $35 million. and amazon will connect users with handymen to help with installations. shoppers will see offers for plumbers and electricians whenever they buy things like television or air conditioner. and move over, barbie, "frozen" toys are most wanted for girls,
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20% of parents planning to buy them, i think that is a low number. first time in 11 years barbie has not been the top pick. get a room with a view for the macy's parade. vip packages being offered by new york hotels this thanksgiving. will even send someone to save your spot in the crowd for you. plus, here's looking at you, kid. just auctioned off for more than $3 million. you can never have too much holiday glamour. ♪ how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong,
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and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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melissa: whether it is on wall street or main street, here is who is making money today. some of the most famous items in movie history with the iconic film has been sold at auction for more than $3 million. the same as this costume from "the wizard of oz." rescued from an old studio by a junk dealer. now it is selling for seven figures. that is amazing. the new york macy's things giving the day parade is definitely a site worth seeing. now you may not have to push through the crowd but it is going to cost you. smacked ab an in all the action offering vip passes. joining us is peter. thank you for joining us.
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a three-day minimum. i've hundred dollars, what do i get for that? >> a wonderful room. at a view of the parade from your room and breakfast every morning and access to the company called task rabbit. preserving your spot at a prime location to view the parade. melissa: if i sensibly to save my spot, does that cost extra? >> that is part of the package. melissa: she is very fancy. it was pretty fabulous. one of the best things is you are right on the route. you have direct access to a place on the street. it seems very expensive.
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even in the tough economy and people out of work, are you sold out again? >> we have a few requests for cancellations. play it by ear. a once in a lifetime thing. melissa: is this your biggest time of the year? >> being in new york in midtown manhattan, as far as holidays go it reigns supreme. melissa: the likes of joined up and chris christie have found themselves on the least influential people on the planet. chris christie? very unflattering but wait until you see who is number one. at the end of the day it is all about money and some very big
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melissa: hey, ferguson is prompting a local response. in a few minutes the mayor will join community leaders and business owners to discuss the concerns. fox business is going to bring you that live. in the meantime switching gears, gq magazine unveiling its least influential people of the year. you ready for it? bono tops the list. laurie and james frischling says gq magazine, it's pop culture, they've gone against bono, president obama, they said for his response to major catastrophes in the last year. cnn for spending the majority of the year searching for a a planet. >> sympathy for bono he had that bike accident. he had to cancel his appearances. what i want to know -- let me be clear --
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nobody in fashion is on this list. where is kim kardashian? >> she's clearly influential. i like roger goodell, making you feel wrong to watch football. making the number one sport in the world, you feel guilty. that was great. melissa: chris christie, the secret service. derek jeter. really? >> he went out in a classy way, i thought. and on time. melissa: laurie and milk ad lady from early in the show. charlie gasparino said you look like her. are you moonlighting on the side and earning extra money? are you cheating on us here on fox business? all right. thank you, guys. that's all we have for you guys now. i hope you're making money. the market up 14. liz: we'll take it, melissa. we're awaiting that news conference. the mayor of ferguson, missouri, set to meet with business and community leaders at the ferguson community center. we'll bring you live
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that report when it happens. did his businesses survive the riots? the owner of three businesses in ferguson, missouri, just returned this afternoon to the town a short time ago to see whether his livelihood is still standing? what did he find? a shopping spree in the stock market taking place in this final hour. more than 115 companies in the s&p 500 hitting all-time highs over the last two days. today alone, we've seen 17 retail stocks hit all-time highs.


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